When uploading media for the first time on Gipper via iPhone or Android, you will need to give Gipper permission to access your camera roll. However, there are occasions where a user may accidentally deny giving Gipper these permissions - this will result in not being able to upload media from that device!
Here is how to give Gipper access to your camera roll, as well as any other permissions to allow Gipper to function properly on your device!
For Apple Users - Go to the URL Settings > Privacy> Safari to see which sites have access to your camera/camera roll. (You can allow or block apps using Camera from here as well).
For Android Users - Go to Chrome > Settings > Site Settings to see which sites have access to your camera/camera roll.
Thanks for reading and we hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team via email at: support@gogipper.com, use the green Help button in the Gipper Platform, or call our support phone line at (929) 207-8459!