How to crop an image while editing a design
Additionally, within the app, you are able to crop photos within the frame on the template.
To complete this process, you first need to pull up the template you are going to be working on.
From there, you will:
1) Click on the photo you want to crop. Once you click the image, select the crop tool at the top of the screen.
2) The cropping box will now appear around the image (blue edges on the corner and on the sides). Pull in and adjust as needed.
3) Once adjusted, click on the crop button to the left of save to execute the crop toll and you will see your image has been cropped per your guidelines!
Thanks for reading and we hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team via email at:, use the green Help button in the Gipper Platform, or call our support phone line at (929) 207-8459!
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