You can upload images right from the Gipper app!
To upload images from your phone or to take a photo in the moment and upload it take a few simple steps within the Gipper app.
1) Once logged into the app, you will want to click Gallery on the bottom right.
2) Once you click on Gallery it will bring you to Your Gallery on the app. Here you can upload directly to your file in the app by clicking the green UPLOAD button:
3) Once you click the upload button, you will get a prompt that asks you permission for the Gipper app to access your photo library:
There are 3 options:
- Take Picture - if you are at an event and want to take a photo right then and there and immediately upload it to Gipper, this is the best choice!
- Select Picture from Camera Roll - this will allow you to select previously saved pictures saved in your camera roll on your phone to upload into Gipper!
- Select Video from Camera Roll - this will allow you to select previously saved Videos saved in your camera roll on your phone to upload into Gipper!
Please note, for Android Devices, you will get a prompt asking you where to access the photo, please make sure you select Gallery:
After selecting the option, when using an iPhone, you will be promoted to allow Gipper access to your camera and/or photo library.
If selecting Take picture, you will get a pop-up stating ""Gipper" would like to access the camera" Please select OK. (This will bring up your camera to take a photo)
If you choose to select Picture/Video from the camera roll, you will be prompted ""Gipper" would like to access your photos."" Please make sure you are selecting "Allow Access to All photos".
Once selected, it will pull up your camera roll on your phone and you can start to select which photos you'd like to upload into your Gallery within Gipper. Please note, you are able to select more than one photo to upload!
Once selected and you hit Add, you will get a confirmation in the Gipper app that the photo(s) have been uploaded successfully.
To upload images/videos directly to a folder within the Gipper app, you will follow the same process as above, only before you click the upload button, you will want to click into the folder you wish to upload the media to in your Gallery, then click the UPLOAD button within that folder for the files to go directly into that folder.
Thanks for reading and we hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team via email at:, use the green Help button in the Gipper Platform, or call our support phone line at (929) 207-8459!