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Table of Contents
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Create link
To create a Content Request link:
- Go to Your Gallery and click "Content Request" on the top right.
- The content request page will open, click the green "New Request" button.
- After clicking the "New Request" button a pop-up will appear requesting some information:
Request Title - IE Baseball game pictures, Homecoming game highlights, etc.
- Recipient Name - Who you are sending the request to.
- Enter a prompt - A note pertaining to the content you are requesting (Can you send me the pictures from last night's rival football game, can you send me a quick video about your thoughts on the winning touchdown drive, etc.).
- Link Expiration Date - Here, you can set when the link itself becomes inactive.
- Multi-use/One-Time toggle - Defines if a link can be used once or on more than one occasion.
Once this is all filled out, the green Create Request button will become clickable, and a Content Request link will be created. The site will default back to the Contact Request page. Here, you will now see the request you created and the Actions available for it. The three options are:
- Edit content request: You can modify the info on the open request such as title, Name, prompt or expire date.
- Copy Link: The Copy Link button you can paste it in an email or text to share!
- Trash Can: Delete the content request.
Additionally on this page you are able to see Completed/Expired content request and View Requested Media which will bring you to your content request folder(s) and any media that has been review for current/past request.
Share link
You can copy and paste the link into emails, text messages, social media posts, and more!
When the recipient of the link clicks on it, a Completing Content Request page will show the prompt you put in, and a section to click to upload photos/video or the ability to drag and drop photos/video into the upload box.
Once the image(s) are selected, a prompt will come up confirming that once submitted the link will no longer be valid. After accepting this, you will see a status bar of the upload and when completed, you will be taken to a new screen thanking you for completing the request.
Once the recipient has completed this, you will see back in your account the request has been moved to the Completed/Expired Request section.
Collect content
Whenever files are uploaded, you will receive an email notification. You can access the requested media from the email, the Content Request page, or Your Gallery.
From Your Gallery, you will see the Content Request folder with a subfolder for each request. The name of the folder will match the title of the Content Request you provided.
And you're all set to use these images and videos in any of the templates!
Do Content Requests Expire?
Yes. Content Request links are good for one-time use and will deactivate after you've sent the requested content. Your link will also deactivate if it reaches its expiration date or the sender cancels it.
How Many Photos/Videos Can I Upload?
As many as you want! The stronger your internet connection, the more items you can send. Videos are capped at 1:55 minutes.
Who Can See My Content?
Your content can only be viewed by the person who sent the request.
Is this just for coaches to get content from athletes?
No! The possibilities are endless. Maybe you are creating custom thank-you videos for donors, and you want students who will be directly helped by the gift to record them. Maybe you're asking current students to create micro tours of your campus to use in admissions efforts. Maybe you're asking parents to record congratulatory videos for their student-athletes right after a big game. There are so many opportunities to source content from people with Content Requests!
How will my users know what to do?
Most users should have enough information from your prompt and the upload button, but if not, there will be help text explaining what Gipper is, what this content request will do, and how to complete it.
What happens if my recipient sends the link to someone else?
If they have not yet completed the content request, the person they send it to could do so instead. If they have already completed the content request, the person they send it to will see a message that says, "This content request has already been completed. Thank you!"
What if my recipient sends back inappropriate content?
Don't worry! We'll never post anything automatically. If you see a response to a content request that has inappropriate content, you can simply delete it from your gallery. Since you'll know who filled out the content request, you can talk to them about why it wasn't acceptable for use.
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, please contact our team by emailing or calling (929) 207-8459.