Occasionally your post might fail to download or publish due to a variety of circumstances.
These methods are suggested for:
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Clearing cache
- Updating your browser
- Updating your device
- Internet connection
- Linked social media accounts
- Scheduled posts
Gipper graphics can fail to download or publish because of an overloaded browser, slow internet connection, outdated software, or a number of other reasons. See below for troubleshooting steps if your graphic didn't download or publish properly.
Clearing cache
If a website isn't loading properly, clear your cache. Clearing your cache refreshes browser memory by cutting out unnecessary bits of code that are slowing it down. Here's a quick article on how this can be done on various browsers.
Updating your browser
Newer browser versions are equipped with the resources that help improve the look and functionality of the website you're visiting. Older browser versions do not perform these tasks with the same speed as newer browsers. This makes your experience on the web slower, and can sometimes cause your browser to crash. Here's a quick article on how you can update your browser.
Updating your device
To keep devices running smoothly and efficiently, manufacturers issue regular updates. These updates fix bugs and crashes and help your device run better. Here's a quick article on how to update your device.
Internet connection
Poor internet connection can prevent Gipper graphics from downloading or publishing.
The best way to determine whether or not you have a stable internet connection is by running a speed test. By clicking the link below, you will be taken to a new tab that will prompt you to run an internet speed test. This test will give you upload and download speeds in MBPS (megabits per second), and below are a list of ranges indicating what is considered poor speeds to fast speeds.
Click here to run an internet speed test
Got your internet speed? Perfect. Here's the breakdown of how to read your score:
50 MPBS: Very Slow
50 - 100 MPBS: Average
100-250 MPBS: Fast
250 MPBS: Extremely Fast
If you are experiencing issues on a very slow or average internet speed, consider switching to a mobile hotspot, using a wired ethernet cable rather than WiFi, or turning off WiFi (if on mobile) and using cellular. If you are still experiencing issues, please try contacting your service provider for additional steps.
Linked social media accounts
In order to publish a graphic, you must first have your social media accounts linked. Gipper allows you to link multiple Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. Here's an article walking you through this process.
Scheduled posts
Are you sure you schedule your post? To double-check if you've scheduled your post, you can go to the Content Planner tab. Here's a quick article that will walk you through how to check and delete your scheduled posts.
Gipper Tip!
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, please contact our team by emailing support@gogipper.com or calling (929) 207-8459.